Let The Crafty Times Roll!

Picture this: a pimped out food truck that doesn’t serve up food, but acts as a mobile art & craft store, selling the wares of local Calgary artisans at festivals, outdoor markets & community events. Seriously? YES!!! Seriously! This is the concept behind the Artisan Collective Truck by Bubblegum Belles. I think it’s truly brilliant! To make this stellar idea a reality, Pam of Bubblegum Belles, has launched an official Indiegogo campaign to raise the funds to help pull it off. Please, pretty please, check out the campaign page and consider donating any amount (there’s lots of donations levels with plenty of fun perks). What an amazing way to grow the unique experience of our creative culture in Calgary!

Not only are hubby and I excited to be able to contribute to the campaign (we REALLY want to see this project take flight or rather, “hit the road”), but I’m also thrilled to be included among the growing list of artists who want to be a part of the collective. Yep, one day, you’ll be able to see a selection of Bubblegum Sass items, among other great local talent, all within a stylish ride. Wheels make things just that much cooler, don’t you think? Haha… really it’s about being able to reach that many more customers and introducing them to the awesomeness of local handmade goods!

Sounds like a ton of fun, right? I’m excited, as you can tell. Let’s get this truck rollin’!

*You can follow along Pam’s journey on her Instagram feed*

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