For the love of dads

With Father’s Day coming up, I put together a treasury with my own dad as the inspiration. There are a lot of different sides to my dad. He’s a mountain man who has passed the days in canoes, kayaks, on the trail, and in the tent. He’s been the artist sitting in front of a canvas with pencil & brush, or forming objects with clay by hand. He even designed one of Canada’s Millenium quarters (February 1999) that went into circulation! Yes, he is quite the amazing man! And of course, he does all these things with a camera in one hand, forever documenting (and it’s a good thing too… someone needs to have a record of all this to look back on). But the best thing that my dad is good at, is just being a father (and now a grandfather), always there to lend a hand (and tools) to help his kids out. Thanks for just being you, dad.

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