Honesty. Authenticity. Voice.

Honesty. Authenticity. Voice ~ A blog about struggling with mental illness ~ Bubblegum Sass

Honesty. Authenticity. Voice. Three things I’ve been trying to get more “real” about over the past few years.

More real honesty. In my feelings to myself & others.

More real authenticity. In how I share our lives, the whole rounded story, good & bad & faith led.

More real voice. In who I am & want to be. Connecting with that voice & trying to live it out.

So let me be more real with you. This week marks the 5th anniversary of my oldest brother’s death. This week I started a grief support program because I’ve finally realized I am grieving many losses (brother, mother, unborn babies & loss of my uterus). And I can’t keep going until I learn to walk with all of this a bit better. And that means talking about it.

I’m taking my mental health much more serious these days. I switch got flipped a few weeks ago while taking my antidepressants & I’ve realized how much darkness I was living in for years.

So. Today, I’m not okay. But I will be.



Cowyboy Up! {Calgary Stampede Style}

Cowboy Up! {Calgary Stampede Style} ~ Family Fun at the Calgary Stampede ~ By Bubblegum Sass


There’s plenty of things to be proud about the city of Calgary. No matter, how cheesy, loud or crazy it gets, the Calgary Stampede is one of those things! As a born & raised Calgarian, I still get excited every summer for the Stampede. I anxiously look for the booklet in the mail, mark out a day when we can go down {and hopefully catch the World Stock Dog Championship}, and daydream of mini donuts until the fateful day arrives. Are you this nuts about Stampede, or is it just me? It can’t be just me, not when attendance can crack 1.2 million people each year!! Anywho, I thought I’d just share some highlights from our adventure this year.


Living With Essential Oils: Family Travel Tips

Living With Essential Oils: Family Travel Tips ~ By Bubblegum Sass

We recently took a trip to London, Ontario to visit family. It was the first official vacation we’ve had in over a year and a half! Needless to say, it was nice to have a break from the regular grind. My oil-loving friends all reminded me to pack some of our essential oils for the trip {which I had already written down on the packing list}. The oils certainly don’t take up that much room & they are so worth it to bring along. So here’s my personal suggestions for travel:


Seeking Self-Care When It Really Matters

Seeking Self-Care When It Really Matters ~ Blog post by Bubblegum Sass

So, I just went through the most difficult time of my life. Really, I’m still journeying through it. The loss of my mom is a fresh, raw hurt that no one can actually heal. And yet, I’m still expected to get out of bed every day, make meals, take care of our son, do laundry and perform the whole “mom/wife/daughter/sister” bit. Oh yeah, and there’s that running-a-part-time-craft-business and assisting-my-husband-with-his-business role too.

What happens when I can’t?

Because to be honest with all of you, I can NOT do it ALL.


Still Here

DIY Thread Savers by Bubblegum Sass

Just popping by to let you know that I am indeed alive. I think of my poor blog often and there is a long list of posts I would love to write & share with you. But it’s taking a lot of effort to get up each day. To face my sweet, but demanding three year old (and even more effort to face him when he’s miserable). To attempt a normal daily routine. To try and keep making things for customers. To maintain our household garden.


Mourning Mamahood

I blinked and he was suddenly three.


Mourning Mamahood ~ thoughts on motherhood ~ blog post by Bubblegum Sass
Sam a few weeks old (2012)

This has been a big week. Between bathroom renovations, our washing machine officially dying and rearranging bedrooms to accommodate Sam’s new big boy bed {all in a five day period} I feel like our home was turned upside down and inside out. Or at least, that’s how these changes are making my tummy feel. A little queasy and uneasy. I’m not necessarily a fearless person when it comes to change. I hesitate, I deliberate, I ponder and I get a bit grumpy.
