Counting up…

… and counting down. After spending so many evenings and weekends crafting away, I decided it was probably a good idea to take a quick inventory of completed items. Not only that, but I needed to take a conscious moment to celebrate my progress. Maybe that sounds odd, but it’s definitely one thing that I have taken away from all the “career learning” that I’ve participated in over the past year; the importance of building regular opportunities to celebrate your accomplishments. How can you feel really satisfied with what you’ve done, if you don’t allow yourself a moment to look back and take stock? It seems like the simplest way to build up some positivity and keep yourself from getting bogged down by the “should have” thoughts. Look at what you’ve actually done, how far you’ve come!

With that in mind I take stock, not to brag, but to celebrate and be accountable to myself and those who support me in all I do:

    Stack of scarves

  • Started blog and post regularly on it
  • Obtained an official NUANS corporate name report (required for incorporating in Canada)
  • Registered for my first craft show
  • Created an Etsy account
  • Completed 27 scarflettes, 10 more in progress
  • Completed 10 coin purses, 12 more in progress
  • Started taking photos of everything I do and make
  • Ordered and received shopping bags and tissue paper (more on this to come)
  • Ordered a pile of yarn wholesale
  • Purchased all the supplies to make labels for my scarflettes
  • Found a Canadian company to get stickers printed
  • Researched online, read books, talked to other crafters, checked out community craft sales, and spent a great deal of time visualizing (not just daydreaming)
  • Lastly, but not leastly, I prayed and continue to pray that the direction I am going is the one He would have me go

Thank you for reading this blog! You support my endeavours by doing so! Afterall, I don’t craft purely for my own enjoyment, but with the hope that others will enjoy it too.

Perhaps you have a moment to take stock of what you’ve personally accomplished (in what ever you do) or how far you’ve come in a project. You’re welcome to post about it in the comments or share a link to your own blog. It’s always a treat to hear about the progress and success of others!

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